TIPP Program
TIPP Program by Inspired Performance Institute
Unfortunately, I see many people in my day-to-day practice that are experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, burnout, trauma, and addiction issues. I want to share a resource that will be beneficial to many people, myself included.
The TIPP program at Inspired Performance Institute in Orlando, Florida was created by Dr. Wood to help his daughter address the psychological factors behind illness and help people perform at a higher level.
The truth is, there is nothing wrong with you! Everyone – even high-functioning people – has glitches from their past. The TIPP program helps you reprocess these instances getting to the root cause of the issue. Once reprocessed, performance improves to a whole new level and people can live life to the fullest.
Sound too good to be true?
I admit, I was a little skeptical at first but after my four-hour in-person session with Dr. Wood. I was blown away! I saw immediate effects. I started to wake up to positive thoughts. My previous negative loop was no longer there.
Life will always have typical regular stressors that we have to deal with but I no longer feel as if I have the “baggage” that I did previously. I can make faster decisions. I take more leaps of faith without constant worry about possible negative outcomes. The TIPP program has truly been life-changing for me.
TIPP Works
Here’s a brief explanation of how TIPP works. When alpha brain waves are prominent, any sensory input will be at a minimum and the mind is clear of unwanted thoughts and intently focused. This is what we know as being PRESENT.
If a thought comes to mind that isn’t congruent with the present situation, then the brain will shift to the higher brain wave state called Beta which requires the handling of many more functions. The alpha brain waves tend to diminish or disappear, and higher frequency oscillations begin running the show.
The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny – it is the light that guides your way.
Beta Waves
Beta is a normal waking state and is dominant in highly active situations. However, too much beta brain wave time is typical when someone is anxious or stressed. Thoughts began to race, increasing the beta state.
Trauma creates a stuck thought pattern, creating a beta loop that stays active. This loop creates a hyper-vigilant state. When someone experiences a traumatic or disturbing event, the event is recorded and stored in memory.
Traumatic memory is stored in a high beta brain wave state and continues to stay in an active loop. The mind develops a pattern of hypervigilance. This loop interferes with the ability to stay present and in the moment.
TIPP Works to
“Reboot” Your Brain
The TIPP process in essence “Reboots” the brain’s stuck thought pattern, making it possible to enhance alpha oscillations with a noninvasive and effective shift in brain wave activity. TIPP updates, reboots, refreshes, and adjusts the patterns. TIPP has been very effective in helping people deal with anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD, addiction, and depression.
During the TIPP session, the individual will develop an understanding of the science behind how their mind works. At this time alpha brain waves become prominent allowing the mind to begin reprocessing 2 or 3 traumatic or disturbing events in a safe and gentle manner. The memory of the event is reprocessed from high beta to alpha. This brings a sense of peace and calm and resolves the trauma loop.
TIPP Worked for Me
The advantage to the Inspired Performance Institute’s TIPP is, there is no reliance on any device or medication, and the results are fast and effective. This is accomplished in a four-hour session and participants are given a thirty-day audio brain entrainment program to complete after the session.
The TIPP program worked for me and has helped many other people too. I believe there are many people that can be helped by completing this program. That’s why I am sharing it with you.
I do want to be clear. I am not an employee of Inspired Performance Institute. They are a separate company from Aeonic Medicine. You can read the Inspired Performance Institute’s Privacy Policy here to learn more about how they treat user information. When reaching out to the Inspired Performance Institute your confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.
I also receive a small commission if you choose to sign up for the TIPP program but that commission does not affect the pricing you receive for the program. I personally completed the TIPP program with Dr. Wood on my own accord after visiting the Inspired Performance Institute to use their Theta Chamber. The TIPP program had life-changing effects for me and I hope it will for you as well.