
The Ancient Practice of Guided Meditation

Meditation is an ancient practice dating back thousands of years. The reason why it is still alive and practiced today is that many people see its benefits for brain health and overall well-being.

Researchers, scientists, and doctors continue to expand our understanding of how meditation helps people and why it works – but there is no question that it does work!

Modern diagnostic and imaging show the positive effects meditation can have on our brain even though it may seem like the practitioner is just breathing and sitting still.

The Power of Guided Meditation for Healing

Meditation is a practice that involves focusing or clearing your mind using a combination of mental and physical techniques.

There are many different types of meditation. Some may help you relax, and reduce anxiety and stress. People all over the world use meditation to improve their health, quit smoking, and to slow down and live life in the moment.

Is Guided Meditation a Religious Practice?

In short, it can be but it doesn’t have to be. Meditation has its roots in several ancient philosophies and world religions but you don’t have to be religious to practice meditation and see its positive benefits in your own life.
At Aeonic Medicine, I teach the Self Love Meditation which is a Guided Meditation where we focus on connecting with the Loving Self and letting go of negative thoughts or stress. There is no religious affiliation needed to experience the benefits of this meditation in your life.
“Sometimes things fall apart, so that better things can fall together.”
-Marilyn Monroe

Meditation for Beginners: Unlocking the Mind-Body Connection

Are you new to meditation? Explore the transformative power of guided meditation for beginners. Learn how meditation can help your overall well-being.

  • Decreased symptoms of anxiety, depression, or PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Improved ability to think, concentrate, and problem solve
  • Better ability to adapt to and overcome any emotional problems they are dealing with

Your mental health has an impact on your physical health so you may also see benefits such as reduced blood pressure, improved sleeping heart function and more.

Aeonic Medicine’s Guided Meditation Offeringss

Self-Love Group Meditation
I host a meditation group every month for my clients. After an initial relaxation and becoming aware of one’s breath, we are exploring the higher self, opening the heart, embracing our Loving Self, and learning to integrate what we learn in meditation into daily life. Join my online meditation class now!
Self Love Meditation is 60-75 minutes long and typically costs $55 USD or $210 USD for 4 sessions in a month (highly recommended). This treatment is not covered by insurance.

Take the first step. Let’s begin the next phase of your journey together!